This scale was used by American Indian peoples.
辞典例句The tomahawk was important to the American Indian.
辞典例句American Indian creation legends can be roughly classified into three kinds.
互联网American Indian: Native people; dark skin; hunting and planting.
印地安人: 土著居民, 深色皮肤, 主要从事狩猎和种植.
互联网The war whoop of the American Indian was bloodcurdling.
互联网She is not American Indian, and she says there is only one native teacher.
她并不是美洲印第安人, 并且她说学校只有一位当地教师.
互联网According to the North American Indian myths, everything on the Earth has spirit and extraordinary power.
在北美印第安神话中,自然界的万物都蕴含着神灵, 都有非凡的神力,人与自然万物共存共生,相通相融.
互联网Sapir's pupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf, continued the study of American Indian languages.
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